grocery shopping

1 tbsp chia seeds

14 fun facts about chia seeds

Chia seeds are a nutrient dense complete protein containing fiber, essential fatty acids, and minerals that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.

How to handle Halloween candy and kids

This time of year, I get asked ALL THE TIME about how to handle Halloween candy and kids. In this article, we cover some different strategies to consider.

9 Easy High Protein On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas

9 Easy High Protein On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas

Now that Fall is in full swing, most people are back into a good routine and no more lazy summer mornings. It’s more important than any other time of year (hello, flu season!) to have easy high protein on-the-go breakfast ideas.

Top 7 Cheapest Most Nutritious Veggies

ALL veggies offer some sort of nutritional value and they all are nutritious. But with that being said, there are a few that offer a little bit more than others and if you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck, might be a better choice for you…

7 things you should buy at the grocery store that aren’t food

7 things you should buy at the grocery store that aren’t food

What’s on your weekly grocery list? Ever wondered what things you should buy at the grocery store that aren’t food? If you’re only buying food at the grocery store, then you may be missing out on some great deals…

pumpkin spice roasted cashew butter with measurement of pumpkin spice on counter

A Diabetic Dietitian’s Grocery List

Raise your hand if you like grocery shopping… anyone? Yes? No? I’m one of those rare people that LOVES roaming the aisles of the grocery store. And even if I forget my list, I usually can do a pretty good job of remembering what I came for. See what’s on a diabetic dietitian’s grocery list…

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