inituitive eating

My Ultimate Snack Plan for Road-tripping with Kids

This summer will be the first time we’ve taken our kids on a true road trip longer than 5 hours. So, I’ve decided to share my Ultimate Snack Plan for Road-tripping with Kids with you!

Are carbs bad for you?

Are carbs bad for you?

Carbs, carbs, carbs. There’s a reason they’re so comforting. Did you know they are your brains PREFERRED source of fuel? So, if you want me to cut to the chase and just answer that one big question, “Are carbs bad for you?” the answer is most definitely…

How much protein do you actually need?

How much protein do you actually need?

So, how much protein do you actually need? What are the best types? Plant based or animal protein? And so on… It’s probably the most talked about nutrition topic or nutrient across all media platforms, yet the one that leaves the most questions in consumer minds.

How to avoid a blood sugar crash

Whether you’re sitting at your desk at work, chasing kids around at home, or just enjoying the day … that sinking I-need-a-nap-ASAP-feeling, can hit out of nowhere. What causes this? And how do you avoid it?

How to handle Halloween candy and kids

This time of year, I get asked ALL THE TIME about how to handle Halloween candy and kids. In this article, we cover some different strategies to consider.

4 ways to eat what you want… and still stay healthy

It usually happens to me about once/week. Someone will ask what I do (read more about that here)… I tell them I’m a dietitian… and then they act all shocked and shaken when I pop a French fry in my mouth! Or they want to know exactly what I eat so they can do the same.

As a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), I’m definitely held to a higher standard… I’m sure people think I eat grass-fed, organic, non-GMO plant-based wheat grass all day long. And when they see me enjoying a juicy hamburger or a fat chocolate chip cookie (gasp!), they act like their world has just been turned upside down.

So, how do I do it? How do I stay healthy and satisfied with what I’m eating, but not eat tree bark all day long? Here are 4 ways I eat what I want, while still staying healthy.

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