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Red, White, and Blue Foods

What are your favorite red, white and blue foods?! Keep reading for some of my favorite ways to show my patriotic pride through food!

My gluten free Easy Banana Pancakes topped with cream cheese and red white and blue fruit!

I’m pretty proud of myself for this American flag inspired pizza. (One of my few Pinterest wins 🙂  I used purple potatoes, red peppers, and mozzarella cheese. Find my gluten free pizza crust recipe here.

Start your day right with this vegan red white and blue smoothie (because let’s be honest, if it’s a holiday weekend, we’re all going to eat more than we should later in the day)

Red White and Blue Smoothie
Red: unsweetened almond milk, frozen strawberries, Young Living Ningxia Red and beets
White: Frozen banana, frozen pineapple, dates, unsweetened coconut, unsweetened almond milk, chia seeds
Blue: unsweetened almond milk, frozen blueberries, dates

Definitely not my typical meal… But I ate every single bite! (Plus a few more strawberries) .

Steaks, baked potatoes with cheese and fresh ground pepper, and the fattest organic strawberries I’ve ever seen.

I always use holidays as an excuse to splurge on super nice produce that I wouldn’t buy on a weekly basis.

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low carb mexican cauliflower rice in stainless steel pan

Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice

This recipe for Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice is a perfect flavorful side dish and a great way to get in your veggies any day of the week.

slow cooker lentil soup with red pepper flakes and parsley

Slow Cooker Lentil Vegetable Soup

Slow cooker lentil soup make delicious and nutritionally dense. Loaded with fiber and protein, it provides a blood sugar friendly and satisfying meal!

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