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Baby Toddler “Icing”


I’m starting to plan my daughter’s 2nd birthday party and I find myself reminiscing about her 1st birthday party. I knew I wanted some awesome “smash cake” pictures but didn’t want to load her up with sugar. So, instead I whipped up a stack of pancakes using Pamela’s Products Gluten Free Baking and Pancake mix. To make a pink-ish “icing” I whipped some cream cheese with organic strawberry spread together. Just stack your pancakes, spread on your “icing” and voila! The perfect smash cake! She loved it! AND I didn’t have to worry about a sugar crash later on

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low carb mexican cauliflower rice in stainless steel pan

Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice

This recipe for Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice is a perfect flavorful side dish and a great way to get in your veggies any day of the week.

slow cooker lentil soup with red pepper flakes and parsley

Slow Cooker Lentil Vegetable Soup

Slow cooker lentil soup make delicious and nutritionally dense. Loaded with fiber and protein, it provides a blood sugar friendly and satisfying meal!

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