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Thai Veggie Pizzas

We do pizza ALL THE TIME at our house… at least once a week. But we don’t stray from our usual favorites very often. It’s almost always an Italian pizza with red sauce, more cheese than we should probably have, and our usual favorite toppings. So these Thai Veggie Pizzas were definitely out of the ordinary for us! But we loved them! And using a tortilla as crust means we can enjoy a whole pizza to ourselves and pile it high with toppings.

These Thai Veggie Pizzas are perfect for a meatless Monday meal, or any day of the week. You can also add carrots, chopped peanuts, and any other plant-based toppings you’d like. OR if you’re wanting to add some meat, a little ground turkey, flank steak, or shredded chicken would be amazing!!

Thai Veggie Pizzas

Yield: 2 pizzas

Honey Peanut Sauce:
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter (I use Crazy Richard’s)
2 Tbsp honey
4 tsp rice vinegar
4 tsp tamari sauce
1 tsp ginger, chopped fine
3 tsp sesame oil

2 whole grain or grain free tortillas
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 cup collard greens, chopped
Avocado oil
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/2 chopped red bell pepper
1/3 cup garbanzo beans
Chopped spinach

Set your oven to broil. Preheat a large saute pan with avocado oil over medium heat on the stove.

For the sauce: Combine all ingredients in a mason jar. Secure lid and shake until well combined.

Return to the saute pan and add chopped onions. Saute for 5 minutes until softened. Add collard greens and saute for 3-4 minutes. Set aside.

Lay out your tortillas on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Divide sauce evenly on the tortillas, reserving about 2 Tbsp. Divide cheese, bell pepper, and garbanzo beans between the two tortillas. Place under broiler in oven for 2 minutes. Remove from the oven and top with chopped spinach and remaining sauce. Enjoy!!

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