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30-Minute Sausage Broccoli Pasta

We’ve all been there… it’s 5 o’clock and you think, “shoot, what in the heck are we going to have for dinner?!” (Cue toddler screaming and baby spitting up at that exact same moment too…) Whether it’s from lack of planning, or life getting crazy, like it always seems to do… it happens.

But today, I want to tell you all about my go-to dinner that can be ready in 30 minutes or less (insert: praise hands emoji) My 30-Minute Sausage Broccoli Pasta!

30-Minute Sausage Broccoli Pasta

12oz frozen broccoli
Chosen Foods avocado oil*
1 yellow onion, chopped
2 cups whole grain or grain free pasta
4oz. Nitrate Free grass fed beef sausage, cooked and chopped

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Arrange broccoli on a baking sheet. While the oven is heating, Add a few Tbsp of avocado oil to a large pan and heat over medium heat until warm. Also, start a medium size pot of water to boil.

Add broccoli to oven and bake for 12-14 minutes. Add onions to heated pan and stir. With lid on, saute for 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Once water has boiled, add pasta and follow package instructions.

After the broccoli and pasta finish cooking, set aside. Once the onions have started to brown and caramelize, add in chopped sausage and additional seasoning as desired (examples: garlic powder, salt, pepper, rosemary). Let cook with lid on for 4-5 minutes to give the sausage time to brown. Add in broccoli and pasta, give it a good stir, and enjoy!

*Use code milknhoney20 (case sensitive) for 20% off at

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